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세모언 : 세상의 모든 언어 공부

[영어] OPIC 집관련 질문들 - 2

by 퀸비엠 2023. 6. 30.

OPIC 시험에서 집 관련 자주 나오는 질문들


1. 좋아하는 방 묘사하기

2. 집에서 하는 일과, 집청소 방법

3. 집에 준 변화

4. 어렸을 때 집과 지금 집 비교

5. 우리나라 주택 시장 관련 뉴스

6. 지난 5-10년간 주택 변화 비교


1-3 주제에 대한 답변이 궁금한 사람은 2023.06.26 - [세모언 : 세상의 모든 언어 공부] - [영어] OPIC 집관련 질문들 - 1을 참고하길 바란다.


4. 어렸을 때 집과 지금 집 비교

When I was young, I lived in an apartment with my family. We stayed in the same apartment for a long time, so I have fond memories of hanging out with friends who also lived in the building. Since it was my parents' home, it was decorated according to their tastes. Even now, I still live in an apartment, but there are some differences. I moved to a new neighborhood, so I don't have much interaction with the neighbors. Plus, since it's my own apartment, I decorate and live according to my own preferences. Living separately from my parents may cost more money, but I find it enjoyable to shape my space just the way I like it.


5. 우리나라 주택 시장 관련 뉴스

In recent years, housing prices in Korea have been rapidly increasing, especially in the metropolitan areas. However, the situation changed after the COVID-19 pandemic when interest rates began to rise. People who were planning to buy homes with loans reconsidered their plans due to the higher interest rates, causing a decline in housing prices. Moreover, those who had taken out loans to purchase homes are struggling with rising interest rates and falling property values. The future is uncertain, but personally, I believe that interest rates will soon decrease and housing prices will rise again. Compared to Japan, Hong Kong, and the United States, it is considered that housing prices in Korea are relatively low. With the increase in the cost of living, I think that housing prices will continue to rise.


6. 지난 5-10년간 주택 변화 비교

In my personal opinion, the biggest point of transformation in Korea's housing sector over the past 10 years seems to be redevelopment. Due to the aging of houses built in major Korean cities from the 1960s to the 1980s, redevelopment has been prevalent. Numerous apartments are being demolished and replaced, resulting in increasingly dense urban landscapes filled with high-rise buildings. Many people hope for their own homes to be redeveloped, and there are also individuals who purchase properties in redevelopment areas for investment purposes. In Korean newspapers, discussions about redevelopment are very common.



내 이야기도 어려웠는데 우리나라 주택시장까지 물어보다니... 오픽시험은 상식도 많아야 볼 수 있는 시험인가 보다. 부족한 대화 컨텐츠와 문장이지만 누군가에게 도움이 되면 좋겠다. 

이번글도 역시 저의 부족한 부분에 대해 피드백 주시는 분은 언제나 환영입니다!!

